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CGR supplies aerial survey to JRC for emergency

The Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission has awarded CGR (Compagnia Generale Ripreseaeree SpA) a framework contract for the acquisition of aerial images in emergency situations.
The contract intends to enhance the potential of image acquisition from aerial platforms as a crucial source of post-event documentation in emergency situations and in a context of rapid response (for example: earthquakes, floods, droughts, etc.).
Thanks to their flexibility, timeliness and ability to acquire at higher resolutions and with different types of sensors (orthogonal and oblique), aerial platforms offer a concrete alternative to satellite technology.
CGR leads a consortium of 6 companies that includes the main European players belonging to the world of aerial platform photogrammetry: Aerodata International Services (Belgium), BlomASA (Norway), IMAO (France), MGGP (Poland), Municipia (Portugal).
The data collected within the contract will be used within the Copernicus EMS – Emergency Management Service – an initiative of the European Community aimed at providing all actors involved in the management of natural disasters, man-made emergency situations or humanitarian crises, timely and accurate geospatial information deriving from satellite and aerial remote sensing.

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