Compagnia Generale Ripreseaeree S.p.A. (hereinafter “CGR”) provides, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 24/2023 (so-called whistleblowing regulation), the possibility for anyone who becomes aware of facts or behaviors contrary to values, internal codes and procedures, laws or regulations, and in particular to anti-corruption legislation, to make a report in maximum confidentiality.
Anyone can send a report, even anonymously: employees, former employees, candidates for job positions, partners, customers, suppliers, consultants, collaborators, partners and, more generally, anyone with a legitimate interest in the business CGR company.
In order for the report to be effective and adequately analyzed by the competent structures, it is necessary to indicate precise and consistent factual elements and provide, where available, supporting documentary evidence.
A report can be sent via the CGR whistleblowing portal, which is suitable for guaranteeing the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity using IT methods. Within 7 days of receipt, an acknowledgment of receipt of the report will be given and within 3 months of this notice, feedback will be provided on the follow-up that is given or intended to be given to the report.
This channel is not available for commercial complaints or for disputes and requests related to personal interests. Information on who can report, how to report, what can be reported, how reports are managed and what protection measures are guaranteed are provided in the whistleblowing procedure.
If you believe you have suffered retaliation as a result of reporting, you can report it to the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) via their platform.
The report is managed in compliance with the principles of confidentiality and the possible identity of the reporter is not revealed without his consent. Any personal data present are processed in compliance with current privacy legislation and kept for the period of time strictly necessary to manage the report. For more information on how personal data relating to reports made through the CGR whistleblowing portal are processed, consult the dedicated privacy policy.